23 Strategies To Drive More Traffic to Your Blog

Reading Time: 13 minutes

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Are you struggling to get people to visit your blog? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll share 23 effective strategies to drive more traffic to your blog. 

Whether you’re a charity looking to raise awareness or a business professional aiming to expand your audience and drive sales, these tips will help you attract more visitors and increase engagement, ultimately leading to increased revenue. So, let’s dive in!

Write about topics people are searching for

One of the most effective ways to drive traffic is to focus on what people are actively searching for online. Utilise tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, and Answer the Public to identify trending topics and relevant keywords in your industry. 

Creating content that aligns with these trends and popular search queries makes you more likely to attract visitors to your blog. 

Remember, relevance is key. The more your content matches your audience’s interests and search habits, the more traffic you’ll draw.

Leverage trending topics on social media

Social media platforms are not just about connecting people but also goldmines for trending topics. Twitter and Facebook, for instance, have dedicated sections for trending topics, which can be a great source of content ideas. Instagram hashtags also offer insight into popular topics and trends.

Consider leveraging these trending topics in your blog content. Write posts that contribute to the conversation and provide a fresh perspective. 

Make sure the topics align with your blog’s theme and audience’s interests. By doing so, you gain visibility and enhance the possibility of your content being shared across social networks, thus driving more traffic to your blog.

Match the search intent

To attract more traffic, it’s crucial to understand and match your audience’s search intent. ‘Search Intent’ refers to the ‘why’ behind a search query – the goal the searcher wants to achieve. 

Search intent could be informational (seeking knowledge), transactional (looking to purchase something), navigational (seeking a particular website), or commercial (researching for a future purchase). 

Use SEO tools like [Moz](https://moz.com/) or [Ahrefs](https://ahrefs.com/) to understand the intent behind the keywords you target. If your content aligns with your readers’ intent, it’s more likely to appear in search results, keep readers engaged, and eventually convert them into customers or followers. 

Remember, satisfying your audience’s search intent is key to successful SEO.

Publish long-form blog posts

Long-form blog posts are another effective strategy for driving traffic to your blog. These comprehensive articles, typically exceeding 1000 words, allow you to delve deeply into a topic and provide extensive information. 

Studies suggest that such in-depth content tends to rank higher on search engines and is more likely to be shared on social media platforms. This is because long-form content is often perceived as more authoritative and trustworthy. In addition, it offers more value to the reader, increasing the chances of audience engagement and retention. 

However, remember that while length is important, the quality of your content should not be compromised. Ensure your long-form posts are well-researched, structured, and reader-friendly. 

Tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor can help you maintain quality while creating long-form content. Balancing length with quality will boost your SEO efforts and establish your reputation as a reliable source of information.

Leverage email marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective way to share your blog posts and drive traffic back to your blog. It is especially useful for reaching out to subscribers who already expressed interest in your content. Create an engaging newsletter showcasing your latest or most popular blog posts. 

The newsletter should include a compelling header, a summary of the blog post, and a call-to-action (CTA) linking back to the full article on your blog. Platforms like [Mailchimp](https://mailchimp.com/) allow you to design professional-looking newsletters and automate your email campaigns. Remember to keep your emails personalised, relevant, and value-packed. 

Avoid spamming your subscribers with too many emails, as it may lead to unsubscriptions. Striking a balance between regular communication and providing genuinely useful content is key to successful email marketing.

Create content hubs

Creating content hubs is a strategic approach to structure that presents your related blog posts under one umbrella topic. It helps enhance the user experience by providing a go-to resource for a specific subject matter. 

To create a content hub, begin by identifying a broad topic that aligns with your blog’s niche and has enough scope to generate multiple related posts. 

For example, a content hub could be “Social Media Marketing” if you run a digital marketing blog. This hub can house related posts like “Understanding Facebook Analytics”, “Instagram Marketing Tips”, or “Leveraging LinkedIn for B2B Marketing”. Each of these posts should link back to the central hub page, creating a network of interrelated content. 

Your hub should feature a well-structured layout, easy navigation, and a compelling design to attract and retain readers. 

Content hubs boost your SEO by creating a dense network of internal links and establishing authority in a specific field. Tools like HubSpot can aid in creating and managing these content hubs effectively.

Reach out to people mentioned in your post

Engaging with the entities or individuals mentioned in your posts is a clever strategy to amplify your reach. When you feature someone or their work in your content, let them know. You can do this via email or a shout-out on social media. Not only does this foster good relationships within your industry, but it could also encourage those mentioned to share your content within their networks. 

For example, if you have written a blog post on “Innovative Startups in the Tech Industry” and cited a particular startup, reaching out to them and informing them about the feature could prompt them to share your post with their audience. This tactic brings additional, targeted traffic to your blog and enhances your brand’s visibility and credibility. 

Always ensure your outreach is genuine and tactful, respecting the privacy of those you contact.

Boost posts with internal links

Internal linking is a powerful SEO tactic that can significantly boost your blog performance. By linking to other relevant posts within your blog, you are improving the user experience by providing additional valuable information and aiding search engines in understanding the structure and context of your content. 

In addition, internal links help spread link equity across your blog, enhancing the visibility and ranking of lesser-known pages. For instance, if you have a blog post about “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Business ” and another post on “Top AI Tools for Businesses,” you can interlink these posts to guide your readers towards more related content and keep them engaged on your blog for a longer period. 

It’s recommended to use descriptive anchor text for your internal links, reflecting the topic or keywords of the target page. Remember to keep your internal linking structure as organic and user-friendly as possible. Tools like Yoast SEO can assist you in optimising your internal linking strategy.

Building links from external sources

Establishing a network of high-quality external links is crucial to SEO strategy and blog promotion. These are links from other reputable websites that direct to your blog. They drive referral traffic and enhance your blog’s authority and ranking in search engine results. To build external links, consider guest blogging on sites relevant to your niche, ensuring that your guest post provides value to the host site’s audience and includes a link back to your blog. 

You can also partner with influencers or industry leaders for link sharing or content collaboration. Another strategy is to create high-quality, well-researched content that others naturally want to link to, such as original research, infographics, or comprehensive guides. 

You can promote such content through social media or email outreach to increase its visibility. Tools like SEMrush can be used to analyse your competitor’s backlink profile, helping you identify potential link-building opportunities. 

Remember, focus on the quality of the links rather than the quantity; a few links from highly reputable sites are more valuable than numerous links from low-quality sites. 

Lastly, always ensure that your external links are contextually relevant, comply with Google’s guidelines, and provide value to your audience.

Promoting content in online communities

Promoting your content in online communities can significantly amplify its reach, providing access to targeted audiences likely to be interested in your blog. Popular platforms such as Facebook, Discord, and LinkedIn host numerous groups and channels dedicated to specific interests or industries.

To leverage Facebook, consider joining groups relevant to your blog’s niche. Engage with the community by responding to posts, asking questions, and offering valuable insights. Over time, this builds credibility and allows you to share your blog posts without appearing overly promotional. Tools like Facebook Insights can help you understand what resonates with your audience, enabling you to tailor your posts for maximum engagement.

Discord, a platform known for its vibrant communities, can also be very effective. Create or join servers that match your blog’s focus. Be an active participant, offering advice, sharing relevant content, and starting conversations. Remember to respect the server’s rules and avoid spamming with links to your blog.

Remember, the key to successful promotion in online communities is genuine engagement. Your primary goal should be contributing value to the community; the promotional benefits will naturally follow.

Create shareable images.

Creating shareable images is a potent strategy to boost your blog’s visibility. Images tend to be more engaging than text alone, and they’re easily shared across various social media platforms. You can use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create compelling visuals that encapsulate your blog content or highlight key points.

These tools offer pre-designed templates, making it easy for non-designers to create professional-looking images. Remember to include your blog’s URL or logo for branding purposes. Also, consider the image’s dimensions for different platforms – Instagram prefers square images, whereas Pinterest prefers vertical images.

Once your images are ready, share them on your blog and social media channels. Encourage your followers to share these images, perhaps by running promotions or contests. This can significantly extend your reach and drive more traffic to your blog. 

A picture is worth a thousand words, and in content promotion, it may also be worth a thousand clicks!

Repurpose content for different platforms

Repurposing your blog content for different platforms can significantly expand your reach and optimise your content creation efforts. Each social media platform has a unique audience demographic and content preference; you can leverage this to your advantage.

For instance, you can turn your blog posts into short, engaging videos for platforms like YouTube or Instagram’s IGTV. Tools like Clipchamp or Animoto can help you create compelling video content even without expert videography skills.

Similarly, you can transform your blog content into a podcast for audio-based platforms like Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Podcasts are incredibly popular, offering a convenient way for your audience to consume your content while commuting, working out, or during their downtime.

For platforms like LinkedIn or Medium, you can restructure your blog content into more detailed articles or thought leadership pieces. This can help establish your expertise in your niche and attract a more professional audience.

Remember to tailor your message to suit the platform and its audience when repurposing content. For example, the tone and presentation on TikTok may be less effective on LinkedIn. 

Tailoring your content to the platform’s preferences can increase engagement and visibility, driving more traffic to your blog.

Share your content on Reddit and Quora.

Reddit and Quora are excellent platforms for promoting and repurposing your blog content. You can share your content on Reddit in relevant subreddits or communities that align with your niche. However, be aware of each subreddit’s rules, as some discourage self-promotion. It’s best to actively engage with the community, provide value, and share your content as a helpful resource rather than a promotional tool.

On Quora, you can answer questions related to your blog content and subtly reference your blog as a source for more in-depth information. You can also publish posts directly on Quora using their blogging feature. This can help you establish authority, drive traffic to your website, and attract a new audience. Always remember that both platforms value authenticity and meaningful engagement, so avoid overt self-promotion and focus on providing value.

Refresh and republish your content.

Over time, your blog’s older posts can become outdated or lose visibility due to the continuous influx of new content. 

One way to give these posts new life is by refreshing and republishing them. Start by reviewing your blog’s archives and identify posts that performed well in the past but have since lost traction. Update these posts with current information, new insights, or improved graphics. 

Once updated, republish these posts with a current date and promote them across your social media platforms just like you would with new content. This strategy revives your old content and enhances your blog’s SEO since search engines favour up-to-date content. 

Remember, refreshing and republishing should be done strategically; focus on posts that are evergreen, high-performing, and align with your current content strategy.

Craft click-worthy headlines

Headlines are your blog’s first point of contact with your readers and search engines, so they need to be compelling, accurate, and SEO-friendly. A captivating headline can significantly increase your click-through rates and drive more traffic to your blog. 

Start by identifying your primary keyword for the post and include it in your headline. Next, ensure your headline accurately represents the content of your blog post; misleading headlines can lead to high bounce rates and damage your blog’s reputation. Use powerful, emotive words to capture attention and provoke curiosity. But remember, while it’s crucial to be creative, you should also keep your headlines clear and concise. 

Tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer can help you gauge the effectiveness of your headlines and offer suggestions for improvement. Lastly, experiment with different headline styles and track their performance to find what works best for your audience.

Incorporate numbers and dates into your headlines

When used strategically, numbers and dates are a powerful addition to your blog headlines. For instance, consider headlines such as “23 effective strategies to drive more traffic” or “Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing Techniques for 2023”. These are precise and compelling and inspire a sense of urgency and relevance in your audience. They suggest the content is current, actionable, and based on extensive research or proven tactics. 

Incorporating dates makes your post seem timely, while numbers can set clear expectations about the depth of your content. This tactic is particularly effective when targeting readers seeking definitive, comprehensive guides or up-to-date industry insights. 

Track how these headlines perform regarding click-through rates and adjust your strategy accordingly. Remember, a headline that drives traffic is a balance of creativity, clarity, and strategic SEO practices.

Get content included in other people’s newsletters

Inclusion of your content in other people’s newsletters is an effective way to expand your reach and engage with a wider audience. Reach out to newsletter owners with a subscriber base that aligns with your target demographic. Provide them with a brief overview of your content and highlight the value it could bring to their readers. 

Remember, the key to success here is to offer reciprocal value; consider featuring their content on your blog or offering them an opportunity to guest post. This tactic introduces your content to new readers and establishes relationships with other content creators in your niche, fostering a mutually beneficial network.

Publish original research

Publishing original research is another way to elevate your blog’s visibility and engagement. A study or survey that presents new insights within your field enhances your content’s value and establishes your authority in the niche. 

Start by identifying a topic that aligns with your audience’s interests and has yet to be extensively covered. Conduct the research meticulously, ensuring it adheres to ethical guidelines and is statistically valid. 

Once completed, create an engaging blog post to present your findings. Use clear, straightforward language for your audience to easily understand the research. Include relevant graphs and charts to visualise data, making it more digestible for readers. 

Remember to promote your research across all your social media channels and consider writing a press release to attract the attention of media outlets. 

Original research can also be a great conversation starter in newsletters or guest posts, providing additional pathways for your blog’s exposure.

Run social and search ads

Investing in social and search ads can significantly boost your blog’s visibility, targeting a broader audience beyond your current followers. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, or LinkedIn offer dynamic advertising solutions that let you target specific demographics, making your ads relevant to those most likely to be interested in your content. 

Start by setting a budget and specific goals for your ads, such as increasing traffic to your blog, engaging with a particular post, or boosting subscriptions to your newsletter. Create compelling ad content that communicates the value of your blog and compels viewers to click through. Track the performance of your ads through the built-in analytics tools these platforms offer. Evaluate the effectiveness of different ads and keywords and adjust your strategy to optimise your investment return. 

Remember, the intent is to drive traffic and attract engaged readers who will find value in your content and become long-term followers of your blog.

Incorporating links in press releases

When writing your press release, it is crucial to incorporate links directly to the relevant blog posts you’re promoting. This tactic provides direct access to your content and improves your blog’s SEO ranking. 

For instance, when discussing a new research post in your press release, include a line like, “Read more about our findings here,” followed by the link to your blog post. Similarly, if you’re promoting a series of posts, you could say, “Explore the whole series on our blog,” including the link to the series’ landing page. Always ensure your links work correctly and open to the correct pages. This will help the media, potential new readers, and search engines discover your content more readily, boosting your blog’s visibility and audience engagement.

Starting a YouTube channel

Starting a YouTube channel is another effective strategy to enhance your blog’s visibility and engagement. By transforming your written content into digestible video formats, you can reach a wider audience who prefer visual and auditory learning. 

Start by identifying the blog posts that could be interesting and engaging in a video format. Then, create simple and engaging videos that summarise your blog posts and provide additional value through visual aids or live demonstrations. Remember to link to your blog in each video’s description and encourage viewers to visit your blog for more information. 

You can also engage with your viewers by responding to comments and asking for feedback. As your channel grows, you can use YouTube’s analytics tools to understand what types of content resonate most with your audience, enabling you to tailor your future videos and blog posts to their interests.

Making your content easily shareable

One key aspect of increasing your blog’s visibility and engagement is making your content easily shareable. Social sharing buttons for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest should be prominently placed on each blog post and video. These buttons allow readers and viewers to share your content with their network, creating a ripple effect of visibility. 

You can also leverage the power of email by incorporating an ‘Email to a Friend’ button. Additionally, consider creating pre-populated social posts with key quotes or facts from your blog post or video, making it even easier for your audience to share impactful snippets. 

Lastly, encourage your audience to share your content by regularly reminding them of the share feature in your closing remarks, such as, “If you found this content valuable, please consider sharing it with your network.” This simple call-to-action can significantly increase your content’s reach.

Ensuring accessibility of your content

In our pursuit of reaching a wider audience, it’s essential not to overlook the importance of accessibility. An accessible blog can be experienced and navigated by all, including those with disabilities. 

Aim for clear and concise language in your posts and videos to ensure this—Utilise alt text for images, describing those who use screen readers. Consider enabling subtitles or closed captions for your videos to assist people who might not be able to hear the audio. 

For your website, ensure a high contrast between text and background colours, and avoid using colours as the sole method of conveying information. Incorporate features that allow users to adjust text size or to navigate through voice commands. 

By taking these steps, you’re not only being inclusive but also likely to boost the overall user experience, which can further increase your blog’s reach and engagement.

Utilising Linktree for streamlined accessibility

In digital marketing, streamlining access to your content is vital. One tool that can significantly aid in this endeavour is Linktree. Linktree allows you to house all the important links to your blog posts in one convenient location, which can be shared with your audience. 

For instance, if you have a series of related blog posts, you can create a specific Linktree for that series. This gives your readers a one-stop shop to access all related content, enhancing their experience and engagement. Furthermore, you can regularly update your Linktree with links to your most recent posts, ensuring your audience gets all your latest insights. 

Remember, making it easy for your audience to locate and share your content can significantly increase its reach and impact.

There are many great techniques to bring more people to your blogs.

If you’ve found this helpful and would like to understand better how these approaches can work for your team and content, contact us today to book an initial consultation.

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As traditional marketing becomes increasingly less effective, it may be time to consider a different approach to marketing, content marketing. [bctt tweet=”Content marketing is the