23 Types of Blog Posts and How to Use Them Effectively

Reading Time: 15 minutes

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Are you looking for ideas to keep your blog fresh? Are you struggling to keep readers engaged with your blog posts? 

Writing creative and useful blog posts can feel daunting, but with a bit of encouragement and the right approach, it doesn’t have to be.

Whether your aim is raising awareness, selling something, or just writing a fun post for your visitors, our list of 23 types of blog posts should inspire your creativity and help you engage your target audience.

Below, we’ve listed 23 types of blog posts, along with tips on creating them and a suggested word count for each post. Keep in mind the word count is just a starting point, and you should do proper keyword research and competitor analysis before choosing the length of your posts.

How-to Articles and Tutorials

How-to posts are a staple in the blogging world. They provide step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish specific tasks or overcome challenges. By offering practical advice and actionable tips, these posts not only position you as an expert but also serve as valuable resources for your readers. 

When creating how-to guides:

  • Clearly define the problem or task at hand.
  • Break down the steps into manageable chunks.
  • Include relevant visuals such as images or videos for clarity.
  • Anticipate potential pitfalls and offer troubleshooting advice.

Suggest between 1,000-2,500 words per post.

Deep-Dive Posts

Deep-dive posts provide in-depth analysis or exploration of a specific subject matter. These lengthy pieces allow you to thoroughly examine complex topics, providing valuable insights, research findings, and expert opinions. 

When writing deep-dive posts:

  • Choose a topic that warrants a comprehensive examination.
  • Conduct thorough research and gather relevant data.
  • Break down the information into sections or subsections for clarity.
  • Incorporate visuals, graphs, or charts to support your analysis.

Suggest between 2,000-4,500 words words per post.

Newsjacking Posts

Newsjacking involves leveraging current news or trending topics to create timely and relevant blog posts. You can attract attention, increase visibility, and showcase your expertise by participating in popular conversations. 

Consider these tips when newsjacking:

  • Stay updated with the latest news in your industry or niche.
  • Identify how the news relates to your audience or brand.
  • Provide unique insights or perspectives on the topic.
  • Publish your post while the news is still fresh and trending.

Suggest between 600-1,000 words words per post.

Interview Posts

Increase authenticity and authority in your blog by featuring interviews with industry experts, thought leaders, or influential individuals. These posts provide valuable insights and help you establish connections. 

When conducting interview posts:

  • Identify suitable interviewees who align with your target audience’s interests.
  • Prepare thoughtful questions that prompt meaningful responses.
  • Format the post as a Q&A or weave interview snippets into a narrative.
  • Include a brief introduction highlighting the interviewee’s background.

Suggest between 1,500-3,000 words words per post.

Listicle Posts

Listicle posts, a combination of ‘list’ and ‘article’ (aka List Posts), are popular for their digestible and engaging nature. They neatly arrange information into a numbered or bulleted list, making it easy for readers to skim and extract the main points. 

Some tips for creating effective listicles:

  • Choose a topic relevant to your audience’s interests or challenges.
  • Make the list substantial but not overwhelming — typically, 5 to 25 items work well.
  • Ensure each point adds value and is explained clearly.
  • Include visuals like images or infographics to enhance reader engagement.
  • Craft a catchy title that communicates the post’s value — the number of points in the listicle is often included in the title.

Suggest between 1,000-4,500 words words per post.

Learn more about writing Listicle content from our guide.

News Posts

News posts are essential to a blog, especially for constantly evolving industries. They provide readers with the latest updates and developments in your field. 

Some guidelines when creating news posts:

  • Stay connected with trusted news sources related to your industry.
  • Summarise the news clearly and concisely, providing your insights and perspectives.
  • Keep your post timely and relevant. Publishing news posts promptly after the event or announcement increases its value to your readers.
  • Use a headline that grabs attention and accurately reflects the content.
  • Link to the original news source as a courtesy and to provide readers with more details if they wish to delve deeper.

Remember, the goal of news posts is not just to inform but also to provoke discussion and thought about the implications of the news.

Suggest between 600-1,500 words words per post.

Data Studies

Data studies or research posts are authoritative blog entries that revolve around original research, data analysis, and statistics. This type of content boosts the credibility and trustworthiness of your blog. 

Some pointers for creating compelling data studies posts:

  • Start with a robust and relevant hypothesis or research question.
  • Collect data from reliable and credible sources.
  • Analyse the data meticulously and present your findings in an understandable manner. Use charts, graphs, and other visual aids to help illustrate your points.
  • Interpret the results and discuss their implications in your industry or field.
  • Conclude with a thought-provoking question or a call to action, encouraging readers to engage with your post.

Remember, while conducting data studies, maintain transparency about your methods and cite your sources. This will lend further credibility to your post and respect the intellectual property of others.

Suggest between 1,500-3,000 words words per post.

Case Studies

Case studies are impactful blog posts that provide a detailed account of specific events, issues, or scenarios in your industry or field or showcase the impact of your product or services. They offer an in-depth look at a scenario, allowing readers to understand complex issues through real-world examples. 

When creating case studies:

  • Begin with a brief introduction to the case study, setting the scene of what will be explored and why it matters.
  • Describe the background  – who, why, what, when and where. This helps set out the initial problem and shows the challenges faced.
  • Present your analysis, discussing the problems, causes, effects, and potential solutions. 
  • Use data, facts, and logical reasoning to support your analysis.
  • Use compelling storytelling to guide the audience, illustrating why the data matters.
  • Conclude the case study with your insights, learnings, and recommendations based on the analysis. 

Remember, case studies may take longer to create than other posts due to the research involved. However, their value in providing real-world examples and detailed insights makes them a powerful tool in your content arsenal.

Suggest between 600-2,000 words words per post.

Cheat Sheets and Checklists

Cheat sheets and checklists are concise, user-friendly resources that allow readers to quickly access key information or follow a process. 

Crafting effective cheat sheets and checklists involves the following steps:

  • Identify a specific topic or process your readers will likely find challenging or complex. 
  • Start by outlining the main points or steps. These should be straightforward and actionable.
  • For cheat sheets, compile the most essential information, tips, and tricks, simply and clearly.
  • For checklists, list down the tasks or steps in a logical order. Ensure each step is clear and specific.
  • Keep the language simple and direct. Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex terms.
  • Format the cheat sheet or checklist for easy readability. Use bullet points, headings, or boxes to distinguish different sections.

Remember, cheat sheets and checklists are about convenience and ease of use. If well-designed, they can be a valuable addition to your content, providing readers with a helpful tool they can return to time and time again.

Suggest between 600-1,500 words words per post..

Expanded Definition Posts

Expanded definition posts delve deeper into a specific term, concept, or process relevant to your audience. These posts aim to provide comprehensive insights and understanding, going beyond the basic dictionary-style definitions. 

Some guidelines for crafting compelling expanded definition posts:

  • Identify a term or concept your audience might find complex or intriguing. This could be industry jargon, a trending topic, or a misunderstood concept.
  • Start your post with a basic definition, and then expand on it by explaining its origins, significance, applications, and any controversies or debates surrounding it.
  • Use examples and analogies to help your readers understand the concept better. Real-world examples can make abstract or complex ideas more relatable.
  • Use visual aids such as diagrams, infographics, or videos where applicable, illustrating concepts and make your post more engaging.
  • Conclude your post by summarising the key points and suggesting further resources for readers who want to learn more.

Expanded definition posts educate your readers and position you as an authority in your field. By explaining complex topics in an accessible way, you can help your audience gain a deeper understanding of your industry and its key concepts.

Suggest between 1,000-2,000 words words per post.

Opinion Posts

Opinion posts provide a platform to express viewpoints, beliefs, or perspectives on a particular subject matter related to your field. These posts are subjective and are an opportunity to give your blog a unique voice. 

Some guidelines to help you create opinion posts:

  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. This authenticity will shine through in your writing and engage your readers.
  • Start your post by clearly stating your opinion. Your stance should be clear from the onset to set the tone of the post.
  • Back up your opinion with facts, data, and logic wherever possible. While the post is based on opinion, solid evidence can make your arguments more compelling.
  • Be respectful of differing viewpoints. Encourage healthy and respectful discussions in the comment section.
  • End your post by inviting your readers to share their own opinions on the topic.

Opinion posts can stir meaningful conversations and engage your readers more personally. They can also showcase your expertise and establish you as a thought leader in your industry. Remember, your goal is not to alienate your audience with controversial views but to foster an environment where open, respectful discussions can take place.

Suggest between 700-2,000 words words per post.

Infographic Posts

Infographic posts deliver information visually compellingly, making complex data or ideas easier to understand. They are highly shareable and can boost your blog’s reach substantially.

To create compelling infographic posts:

  • Choose a topic that benefits from visual representation. Pick a subject where visuals can add value, whether it’s a step-by-step guide or a statistical overview.
  • Design with clarity and simplicity in mind. Your infographic should be easy to follow and attractive, using a clear colour scheme, relevant icons, and legible fonts.
  • Use reliable data sources. Ensure your information is accurate and trustworthy by using reputable data sources. Cite these sources at the end of your infographic.
  • Include a written summary. While the infographic is the main focus, a brief written summary can provide context and further insight.
  • Optimise for sharing. Encourage your readers to share the infographic on their social media platforms. This can significantly increase your blog’s visibility.

Infographics are powerful tools for conveying complex information in an engaging, digestible format. By thoughtfully designing and implementing them in your posts, you can boost engagement, increase shareability, and position yourself as a knowledgeable industry source.

Suggest between 400-1,000 words (supporting text) words per post.

Review Posts

Review posts offer readers an in-depth evaluation of a product, service, or even a book or film. They can provide valuable insights and might help your audience make decisions. Here are some guidelines for creating compelling review posts:

  • Choose your review subject carefully. The item or service you review should be relevant to your blog’s theme and audience’s interests.
  • Be honest and balanced. Provide an unbiased review, highlighting both the positives and negatives. Remember, credibility is key in review writing.
  • Include personal experience. Share your personal experience with the product or service. This can help the readers to form a more accurate picture.
  • Use clear rating criteria. Consider using a rating system or set criteria to give readers a clear, easy-to-understand evaluation.
  • Encourage reader interaction. Ask your readers for their opinions or experiences with the product. This can foster community engagement and stimulate discussion.

Review posts can be a great way to build trust with your audience, especially if you’re transparent and fair in your evaluations. They can also serve as a platform for audience engagement, encouraging readers to share their experiences and thoughts.

Suggest between 1,000-2,500 words words per post.

Thought Leadership Posts

Thought leadership posts are an excellent way to establish yourself as an authority in your field. These posts delve deep into industry topics, providing insight and perspective based on your knowledge and experience. Here are some guidelines for creating compelling thought leadership posts:

  • Identify and focus on your niche. Find a specific area within your industry where you can share unique insights or take a different perspective.
  • Offer valuable, original content. Thought leadership posts should provide new ideas or unique analysis — not simply reiterate what everyone else is saying.
  • Show your expertise. Use real-world examples, case studies, and data to back up your positions and show your depth of knowledge.
  • Engage with your readers. Invite readers to share their thoughts or ask questions. This kind of interaction can help establish you as an approachable expert.
  • Stay current. Keep up with trends and issues in your industry, and offer your unique perspective on them.

Remember, a thought leadership post aims to showcase your knowledge and inspire, provoke thought, and start a conversation. Always keep your audience in mind, and aim to provide content that is both useful and enlightening.

Suggest between 2,000-3,000 words words per post.

Comparison Posts

Comparison posts are another effective way to deliver valuable content to your audience. These posts compare two or more products, services, or concepts in your field, helping readers make more informed decisions. 

Some tips for creating insightful comparison posts:

  • Choose relevant topics. Select products, services, or ideas that interest your audience. It could be comparing two popular tools, methods, or theories in your field.
  • Be objective. Your comparison should be unbiased and based on facts. Use credible sources to gather your information.
  • Detail the pros and cons. For each item being compared, list their strengths and weaknesses. This will provide a balanced view to the reader.
  • Use real-world examples. Share your own experiences or case studies to illustrate the points of comparison.
  • End with a clear conclusion. Summarise the comparison and, if appropriate, recommend one option over the others based on the comparison.

Remember, a comparison post aims to educate your readers and help them make decisions. It’s not about convincing them to choose one option over another but providing the information needed to determine what’s best for them.

Suggest between 1,500-2,500 words words per post.

Grenade Posts

Grenade posts are a more provocative approach to delivering content designed to ignite conversation and challenge pre-existing beliefs or norms within your field. They should be used carefully, as they can be polarising, but when done right, they can significantly engage your audience. 

Here’s how to create impactful grenade posts:

  • Choose a controversial topic. This should be something that stirs up discussion within your field. Be prepared for differing opinions and encourage respectful debate.
  • Present a well-reasoned argument. Support your position with solid evidence and logical reasoning. The aim is not to offend but to challenge and provoke thought.
  • Encourage dialogue. Create an environment that welcomes differing perspectives. Encourage your readers to share their opinions in the comments.
  • Stay respectful and professional. Even if you’re challenging common beliefs, it’s important to respect all viewpoints and maintain a professional tone.
  • Be prepared for potential backlash. Grenade posts can spark intense debate. Be ready to handle possible criticism with grace and patience.

Remember, the purpose of a grenade post is to stimulate discussion and encourage critical thinking. It should be thought-provoking, not offensive or divisive.

Be very careful with this type of post. It can easily backfire. This type of post is not for everyone.

Suggest between 1,000-2,000 words words per post.

Roundup Posts

Roundup posts are a powerful tool for engaging your readers by presenting a collection of opinions, tips, or insights from various experts within your field. They provide a diversity of perspectives, demonstrating the breadth of thought and experience in your industry. 

Some steps to craft an effective roundup post:

  • Identify your topic. Choose a subject that is relevant and interesting to your audience. 
  • Reach out to experts. Contact influential figures within your field and ask them for their thoughts or advice on your chosen topic. Ensure to get their permission to include their insights in your post.
  • Compile the responses. Organise the collected insights in a logical or thematic order that makes sense for your readers. It can be helpful to provide a brief introduction for each expert to give context to their advice or perspective.
  • Create a compelling title. The title should clearly communicate the value of the post to the reader, emphasising the collective wisdom of the included experts.
  • Encourage sharing and feedback. Invite your readers to share the post on their social networks and ask for their opinions.

Remember, the goal of a roundup post is to provide valuable insights from various angles, sparking interest and engagement among your readers.

Suggest between 1,500-3,000 words words per post.


Guides are comprehensive resource materials that provide in-depth information on a particular subject. They often educate readers about a complex topic, broken down into easily digestible sections. 

Some steps to craft an effective guide:

  • Choose a critical topic. Opt for a subject that is relevant to your audience and lacks extensive resources. Your guide should fulfil a need by providing comprehensive information on this topic.
  • Research thoroughly. Consult a variety of sources to gather accurate information. Your guide should be the go-to resource for your topic, so ensure your information is up-to-date and reliable.
  • Structure your guide. Divide your guide into logical sections or chapters. This will help your readers navigate the content and understand it better.
  • Use clear language. Keep your writing simple. Your guide should aim to educate, so avoid jargon and complex terms that confuse your readers.
  • Include practical examples or case studies. These help illustrate the points you’re making and give your readers a practical context.
  • Invite feedback. Encourage readers to comment on your guide, offer insights, or ask questions. This interaction can provide valuable feedback for improvement.

Remember, the goal of a guide is to provide a thorough, practical understanding of a topic to your readers, positioning you as an authority on the subject.

Suggest between 2,500-5,000 words words per post.

Press Releases

Press releases are official statements issued to the news media which provide information on a particular matter. They are a critical public relations tool that communicate significant news or events related to a company or organisation. 

Some steps to craft an effective press release:

  • Identify your news angle. Your press release should communicate newsworthy information. This could be a new product launch, a significant company development, an upcoming event, or a response to a current issue.
  • Write a compelling headline. Your headline should grab attention and convey the key message of your press release. It’s the first thing people read, so make it count.
  • Begin with the most important information. Follow the inverted pyramid structure. Start with the most critical details, then move on to the less significant information.
  • Keep it succinct. A press release should be concise and to the point. Aim for one page or two at the most.
  • Include quotes. Quotes from key company figures can lend credibility to your press release and provide a personal touch.
  • Provide contact information. At the end of the press release, include a “media contact” section with the name, phone number, and email address of the person who reporters can contact for more information.

Remember, a press release aims to get coverage for your news and provide journalists with the information they need to write about it. Just like with guides, clarity and accuracy are paramount.

Suggest between 300-800 words words per post.

Learn the secret to writing press releases with this guide.

Clickbait Posts (Beware)

In the digital news and social media age, clickbait has become a common tactic to attract more views to a post or article. These posts often feature sensationalised headlines or misleading information to lure in readers, but the content doesn’t deliver on the title. 

While they may increase traffic, clickbait posts can often harm a company’s reputation and credibility in the long run, and so it’s best to tread lightly.

It is helpful to:

  • Recognise the Clickbait. Clickbait headlines are typically exaggerated, use emotional language, and promise some sort of revelation or shocking content.
  • Focus on Substance. Instead of resorting to clickbait tactics, focus on creating high-quality content that delivers value to your audience.
  • Create Accurate Headlines. While it’s important to create engaging and interesting headlines, make sure they accurately represent the content of the article.
  • Prioritise Transparency. Always be transparent and honest with your audience. This will build trust and enhance your organisation’s credibility.

While clickbait may seem appealing due to its potential for quick views, it’s essential to consider the long-term effects on your organisation’s reputation. It’s better to prioritise creating quality content that resonates with your audience and reflects accurately on your brand.

  • Avoid clickbait headlines. While creating a compelling headline is essential, refrain from using sensationalised or misleading titles just to get clicks. Clickbait can damage your credibility and disappoint readers when your content doesn’t deliver on its promises. Always ensure that your headline accurately reflects the content of your press release.

We do NOT suggest creating clickbait content of any type. This post type should be avoided and was only included for informational purposes.

Evergreen Posts

Evergreen blog posts are a valuable asset in any content marketing strategy. Unlike time-sensitive posts, evergreen content remains relevant and drives traffic over a prolonged period. 

A few steps to creating effective evergreen blog posts:

  • Identify Evergreen Topics. These topics will always be relevant to your audience—for instance, how-to guides, tips and tricks, or foundational knowledge in your industry.
  • Focus on Quality. Evergreen content should be well-researched and comprehensive. Aim to create the best resource on your chosen topic.
  • Update Regularly. Although evergreen content is not time-sensitive, it’s still crucial to keep it updated. This ensures the information remains accurate and current, increasing its value.
  • Promote Wisely. Because of its long-lasting nature, evergreen posts can be promoted multiple times across different channels. This increases its visibility and reach.

With these steps in mind, evergreen blog posts can significantly enhance your content marketing strategy, driving sustained traffic and providing ongoing value to your audience.

Suggest between 1,500-3,000 words words per post.

Skyscraper Content

Skyscraper content is an effective approach for capturing significant traffic and building authority in your niche. This strategy involves finding high-performing content in your industry, creating something even better, and reaching out to the right people. 

Steps to creating a successful skyscraper content:

  • Find popular, link-worthy content. Use tools like BuzzSumo or Ahrefs to identify content in your niche that has gained a lot of social shares or backlinks.
  • Create something even better. Take the identified content and improve upon it. This could involve making it more comprehensive, updating it with the latest information, enhancing the design or readability, or adding unique insights.
  • Reach out to the right people. Once your content is ready, reach out to people who might find it interesting. This could include those who have linked to or shared the original post. A polite, personalised email can go a long way in gaining backlinks.

By following these steps, the skyscraper technique can help you create content that stands tall and noticeable in the crowded landscape of the internet.

Suggest between 2,500+ words per post.

Linkbait Content

Linkbait content is designed to attract as many backlinks as possible. The goal is to create compelling content that other sites want to link to because it’s interesting, useful, or entertaining. Crafting linkbait content can effectively improve your site’s domain authority and increase its visibility on search engine results pages. 

To create successful linkbait content:

  • Identify your audience’s interests. Use tools like Google Trends, social media, or forums to understand what your audience is talking about or interested in.
  • Create high-quality and unique content. Whether it’s an in-depth research piece, an infographic, a provocative article, or a funny video, the content should be well-produced, valuable, and unique.
  • Promote your content. Share your content on your social media channels, email newsletters, or other platforms where your audience is active.
  • Encourage users to share your content. Include social sharing buttons and calls to action that encourage readers to share your content with their networks.

By creating engaging, share-worthy content, you can attract more backlinks and improve your website’s SEO performance.

Suggest between 1,500-3,000 words per post.

How to choose the type of blog post to write?

Choosing the type of blog post to write largely depends on your audience, brand, and content goals. 

Here are some steps to help you decide:

  1. Identify and Understand Your Audience: Use audience analytics and feedback to figure out what your readers are most interested in. This could be solving problems, answering questions, or engaging stories.
  2. Define Your Brand’s Voice and Message: Your brand’s personality and the message you want to convey can also dictate the type of blog post you should write. A playful brand might opt for fun, light-hearted listicles, while a more serious brand might prefer in-depth research pieces.
  3. Consider Your Goals: If your goal is to drive traffic, an SEO-optimised ‘how-to’ post might be ideal. If you want to establish authority in your field, an in-depth, researched piece or an expert interview could be the way to go.
  4. Look at Successful Posts in Your Niche: Investigate what posts are successful within your industry. This can give you an idea of what your audience might be interested in reading.

Remember, the key to successful blog content is a balance of value, relevance, and engagement. 

Always aim to provide useful and interesting content to your readers while reflecting your brand’s unique perspective.


As you can see, choosing the right blog post types for your brand is a little more complicated than you might have expected. However, mastering these different types of blog posts and knowing when to use each type will significantly improve your blog’s reach, engagement and conversions.

Gone are the days when a blog post was just a stream of consciousness about what’s happened in your day. Blogging has become an art and a science combined. 

For help keeping your readers engaged through blogging, contact our team, who will be happy to help.

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